
TripIt connection

NEW: TripIt Connection

Expens'd now connects with TripIt, allowing you to track expenses on any travel item in your TripIt account.

Expense approval

Expense Approval

Quickly view and approve expenses for users in your account. Filter the list with a click of a link to view pending or rejected expenses.

Email expense reports

Email Expense Reports

Easily send a nicely formatted expense report to whoever needs it.

Tag expenses

Account-wide Tags

Tags provide a low-impact way to manage categories for your expenses. Any tag that you create will automatically be available to all users in your account to use.

Attach files to expenses

Attach a File to an Expense

Attach a scanned receipt or any other type of file to an expense for improved record keeping.

Filter your report by tags

Report on a Date Range and Tags

Run an expense report by selecting a date range, and then get more specific by adding tags.

Run a report for any user

Run Reports for Any User

Account admins can run an expense report for any user in the account.

Select your currency

Select Your Currency

Select the currency you want to use for all of your expenses and expense reports. Don't see yours? Let us know what you need and we'll add it.

Inline help

Inline Help

Use the expens'd inline help system to help learn how to use expens'd. No manual required. Already know how to use expens'd? Great. Simply click the "Don't show this again" link on the message and away it goes.